Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Haiku #3

The tall redwood tree,
As the leaves rattle loudly,
The squirrel scurries.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Urgent Alert!

Five bears have been kidnapped! Dark-suited people have been taking them, snatching from the shadows. We have only one witness, Groget Selam. This is what he says:

So you get the idea, right. (teary sound)
We still have a chance, though. I got a picture of one of the people running:

And, luckily for the hostages, I intercepted a message. Unfortunately, the message is in code. Try to solve it:

I tried to solve it, but none of the alphabet ciphers in my coding file work. Can you help? One more question: Who are R and G? Could the letters be initials? This is getting confusing. I'm going to the Golden Bear command center in St. Petersburg, Russia for now. We are organizing a group meet there. See if we can analyze anything. Be careful!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Magic Video #2

Sorry for not being here for a while. Here is my official "Poohret's second magic video"!: Hope you like it!

Magic Trick #2: The Coin Coaster


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Coding Hints 1

Hi there! Here are some hints to the post, Coding-Decoding. Enjoy!

hint to code 2: (the second code in the post)
Highlight the following: what can 1 be? Maybe it stands for the first of something? Perhaps the first letter in the alphabet?

hint to the third code: (highlight again)
look at this one. It resembles a clock. Which way does a clock's hands go? Use that direction. (Pretend it's noon and read in the direction.) The X in the middle doesn't mean anything. It's just the center. After you decode the clock, look at that code. Now try to decode it.

Now try solving the codes. Try to code this message like the number code:

Get out!

Happy de/coding!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Daniel Ford Series

Hello there! Soon I will be posting some of my new book: Daniel Ford. I'm working on the third chapter. Anyway; here is a free verse I invented:

The moonlight forms a circle at the clearing,
the silvery light makes the short green grass look metallic,
the dull mossy rocks form a dim silhouette in the dark night,
whispers in the darkness and rustles from the breeze; sounds like crickets chirping are heard.

It's going to be Halloween soon! So here is a Halloween poem I made up for 2011! :-)

Death's Song

The darkness, the black,
it's the cheer you lack,
on Halloween night,
sounds of the fright,
witches in flight,
Jack-o-lanterns a-light,
the song of the dead,
fills you with dread.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Haiku #2

The soothing wind blows,
See gently swaying branches,
Hear the leaves rustle.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hi there! Now I'm going to do some codes! O.K. Try to decode this: (P.S. save the words down!)



For a hint highlight the following space: -V.

O.K. Try this one: (save the word!)


Last one:


That one was hard. It was a double-code (coded two times)! Try your best on that one. Remember the word(s)!

Bye for now!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hello everyone! I haven't been posting that much, sorry about that.

I have decided that to celebrate the first day of October, we will have a riddle!

Here it is: (I invented it myself)

My first is first of corn and cats,
Scary, yes, but first it's still,
My second is twice in parka,
And none, not in sill!
My third is last in pots,
It's also pretty scary,
Oh, skeletons, silhouettes,
And spiders, so hairy.
My last is thrice in tattle tale Tom,
It's topping and it's trying,
I know your name and all forseen,
Now please tell me mine.*

*Note: It's not Poohret; it doesn't have to be a person's name, it can be a object's


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hightown Series

Hello! I'm back! Sorry, I might not post as much now. I'm writing a new story! It's called "Hightown".

I'll post it on soon!


(P.S. Please comment on Larlon's Blog (Magic Bear's Blog) if you can. Here's a link: Magic Bear's Blog )

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Chinese Lantern Trick

Hello! I'm back! Sorry about not posting for a while, The golden bear company (where I work) had a task I had to do in northern Russia and I was away.

Anyway, along the way I got to watch this amazing magic show, and that is what I'm going to write about in this post. So here it is:

The stage curtain parted and this bear dressed in black stepped forward. Next to him was a box, shaped like a Chinese lantern with four screens on the four sides. On top of the lantern was a light on a stick. "This is the Chinese lantern trick." he announced. Two assistants came forward as Chinese music started. They took the light and spun the lantern in a complete circle, waving the light around, showing that there was nothing behind, or on the sides of the lantern. Then they showed the inside of the lantern, waving the light around and lighting up the insides with the light. They attached the stick, with the light, on the inside center of the lantern. The magician sat down, closed his eyes, and started waving his hands around. Magically, A shadow appeared in the lantern, shown on the front screen. Somehow, the magician's movements matched the shadow's movements! Finally, the magician stretched his arms out, like poking through a sheet, and at that time, smoke began to rise in front of the lantern and an paw broke the center of the front screen, a real one! And then more of the bear emerged from the lantern! Everybody clapped, including me. It was a very incredible show.


And that's that story! Bye!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Haiku #1

Puppies playing ball,
Throw it here and throw it there,
Fun for all the dogs.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Magic Videos

Hello everybody! I'm back! From now on, I will be uploading magic videos! They are productions of the golden bear company where my friend Larlon works!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sweaty Summer

Whew! It's getting hot the summer! Highest temp. so far:

                                                                                              87 degrees Fahrenheit

Whoa, that's hot! But be warned! I bet that's not going to be the hottest temperature!

Well, bye for now!

(P.S. Anyone thinking about M.Y.O.Q.? Don't worry-it'll be the next post! Reminder: Please Comment (If you can))

Friday, June 17, 2011

Summertime Heat; the Source and the Disaster

The day after Flag day, I overheard some grizzlies complaining about the heat while I was waiting for my friend at the park. "Why does summer have to be so hot? Why can't it be, well like, warm instead?" one was saying. "Each summer gets hotter, I just don't understand it! And every winter, it gets less cold! It's like summer is stealing all the heat from winter!"another agreed. Just then I spotted my friend, Liru approaching. I had to go, but I would have enjoyed to continue listening to those brown bears.

That night I lay on my bed, thinking about what would happen if one summer it would get so hot you could catch on fire just lying on the rocky material people called "cement" or "blacktop." Finally I fell asleep, all the time dreaming about the horrible disasters that might occur in the future.

The next day I went to the library to do some research about the heat and it's source. Good thing there was air conditioning in there, or it would way too hot to be reading, even in a comfortable armchair. I found out why it was so hot. It was because of this situation called "global warming."

That night I slept well, knowing that the horrid disaster I thought of last night couldn't be true. But still, I had some side thoughts; what would happen if something else was happening? But I had no more time to think, as I slowly started to forget everything, falling fast to a deep sleep.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm back from my cruise!

Hi everybody! Happy Flag Day!

I'm back from my cruise! It was very fun. I went to the following on the ship:
  • Juneau, Alaska
  • Skagway, Alaska
  • Glacier Bay, Alaska
  • Ketchikan, Alaska
  • Victoria, Canada
Every day was a time of wonder and surprise, especially on the first day, Embarkation Day......

Bye for now! Have a great Flag Day!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

M.Y.O.Q. For Poohkas followers, if you chose to: (highlight first line of post)

Take a risk on the bridge:

If it's what you chose to do, highlight the following: "Let's try the bridge!" concludes Poohkas. So you step onto the bridge. It creaks and wobbles, but it holds. Poohkas follows. A cord snaps, but the rest doesn't break. Suddenly another cord snaps, then another. That's when you and Poohkas saw why the bridge was breaking up. An raven was cutting the strings with it's beak. "Shoo, shoo" you say while waving your hands. The raven flies away, but it is too late. The bridge sways, then collapses all together. You and Poohkas fall into the water. Luckily, you both can swim. You reach the other side of the river, but Poohkas is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a evil beast that you recognize is Moro the Killer Squid comes, roaring. You can either climb up the bank and see if Poohkas is there and rejoin him, or fight Moro and search for Poohkas in the river. DO YOU CLIMB UP THE BANK OR FIGHT MORO? (next post)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

What to bring to the sleepover and cruise:

Poohret: here is a checklist of what to bring:

  • Beddy Bag
  • Pillow(s)
  • Notepad with pencil
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Floss
  • *A book to share
  • A storage bag includes:
  • Claw Clipper
  • *Camera
  • *Reading Books
  • *Paper Clips

Have a great time! And I'll notify you when is the sleepover and cruise.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Exiting News-Sleepover and cruise!

Hello! I am very exited, because Larlon invited me for a sleepover and a cruise!

He is going to a cruise sometime around May 26, so I will be going too! And the night before the cruise, I will have a sleepover!

Again I am very exited and thank Larlon if you see him!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The National Penguin Museum

Today I went to the National Penguin Museum.

When I went in, the first thing I saw was a exhibit near the front door. I saw a few gentoo penguins. They were so cute! Next I went through a maze of icebergs. I was exhausted with all the walking. But luckily it was  lunchtime. After a delicious meal, I watched a movie called "Endangered Penguins" in a big dome. There was a long line, but it was comforting afterwards when I got to pet some rockhopper penguins. They're soft fur made me think about fluffy pillows. I was getting tired, so I left the museum.

When I got back home, I was ready for a tasty supper. A few hours later, I was reclining in my cozy bed. I closed my bedtime book and put it away on my bedside table. "Click" went the light as I pulled the cord. I let out a lazy yawn and closed my eyes. Drowsily I pulled up the covers. I thought about the events of the day. Then slowly, I drifted off to sleep, still dreaming about penguins.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

M.Y.O.Q. Choosing 1

Highlight whichever white space you choose to reveal. ONLY REVEAL ONE!

To go with Poohkes: You tell Poohkes you want to go with him, so Poohram hurries off. You and Poohkes reach the ruined castle, but it seems to be deserted. Last time you were there bears were playing and running around the castle. But nevertheless, you continue toward the castle ruins. Slowly you and Poohkes go up the stairs. As you proceed toward the doorway, you spot Famont, the Castle Guardian. He is leaning on a tree stump. You see that Poohkes has seen him too. SHOULD YOU APPROACH FAMONT OR NOT? (Next Poll)

To go with Poohram: You have made your decision: to go with Poohram. Poohkam leaves, so now you and Poohram go, too. After a few minutes, You arrive at a rickety bridge. It looks as it would not hold the weight of a bear. But you have to decide wether to cross on the bridge, or search further upstream for a better crossing. DO YOU TAKE A RISK ON THE BRIDGE, OR LOOK FOR A BETTER CROSSING? (Next Poll)

Friday, April 22, 2011

M.Y.O.Q. 1 (Master Your Own Quest)

One day, you are walking around with Poohkas and Poohram. Suddenly a messenger hurriedly runs up and gives a letter to the group. You open it. It says: "The evil forces have come and stolen the globe of life! They have hidden it, but have guarded it with two terrifying monsters: Hikouth the Terror of Death, and Ulimour the Skeleton Warrior." You and Poohkas exchange glances. "You may scour the plains with me."Poohram says. "Or you may look in the ruined castle and the underground tunnels with me."Poohkas adds.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Larlon's Stories

Hi again!

Now Larlon, he asked if I could help him post his stories, and I said yes, so sometimes I might post a story or two.

Currently Larlon told me to post "Master Your Own Quest" which is a story, but you get to choose what to do. I will let you choose in the polls, and then I will instruct you to go to different blogs go to see your conclusion.

Good luck!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Welcome to Poohret's Postings!

Hello! My name is Poohret!

This is the first time I've ever had a blog. My friend Larlon has a blog already, so he encouraged me to have one too, so here I am, typing in my blog.

You probably don't know much about me, so here is some info about me:

  • My birthday is on February the twenty-second
  • In my spare time, I like to draw inventions
  • I live in *Aisnok Square, Pooh Place
  • Sometimes I sketch drawings when I'm bored
  • My favorite color is green
  • Some of my friends are: Larlon, Masod, Chornam, and Tatok.
  • My favorite sport is basketball, but I only play volleyball
My friend Larlon likes privacy, so he doesn't let most bears know he's writing the blog. So, he called himself "Magic Bear" and-Oops! I just told the secret! Well, he doesn't really care now, so it doesn't matter. But you don't have to tell the whole world about it, just let people come find out on their own.

*Now, Larlon was so very kind enough to post a map of the unispace (that's right, not universe, unispace!) on his blog, so if you want to find out where the Pooh Place is, (it's not that detailed, so you can't find Aisnok Square, it just shows the main places!) go search out his blog, Magic Bear's Blog!

P.S. And please comment on his blog, he's kind of worried no one's viewing it.