Saturday, April 30, 2011

The National Penguin Museum

Today I went to the National Penguin Museum.

When I went in, the first thing I saw was a exhibit near the front door. I saw a few gentoo penguins. They were so cute! Next I went through a maze of icebergs. I was exhausted with all the walking. But luckily it was  lunchtime. After a delicious meal, I watched a movie called "Endangered Penguins" in a big dome. There was a long line, but it was comforting afterwards when I got to pet some rockhopper penguins. They're soft fur made me think about fluffy pillows. I was getting tired, so I left the museum.

When I got back home, I was ready for a tasty supper. A few hours later, I was reclining in my cozy bed. I closed my bedtime book and put it away on my bedside table. "Click" went the light as I pulled the cord. I let out a lazy yawn and closed my eyes. Drowsily I pulled up the covers. I thought about the events of the day. Then slowly, I drifted off to sleep, still dreaming about penguins.


  1. It is definitely not in San Francisco; I have never heard of it.

  2. It's nowhere in the human universe. I fact, it's not even in Fantasy Planet! It is in "Ranta Un" a small planetlike place, where there are located a few museums, with a large beach, and a hotel.

    This planet/place is an ideal place for spending a vacation.

    So, that's where it is.
