Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rube Golberg Machine #3

Whoa- when I was typing #3, the # was the shift version of 3! Maybe that signals that this machine is lucky? Anyway, this one was very short. Here it is:

In case you're a little bewildered, here's what was going on:
1) As I pull the string, I release the first ball to knock down the boards.
2) The last one pulls on a string which releases a second ball into a labyrinth.
3) When it falls out at the end, it pulls another string that pulls out a bar that is keeping a third ball from rolling down a ramp.
4) Lastly, the ball rolls into a auto lifter, which flips the ball up. It rolls to a stop at a book. It's done!


Monday, July 16, 2012

The Moon and the Tides

     Have you ever wondered, "How does the moon affect the tides?" Well, one day at night I asked Magic Bear that same question. His answer: "Well............" This went on so long that he had to stop for air. "I don't know, Poohret." So of course, I instantly became infinitely curious.
     The next day as soon as I woke up, I got dressed and rushed downstairs. (I live in a two-story house with Larlon and Pilem, another bear) I powered up my computer and researched my question.

     Now I know the answer: The moon has gravitational forces, just like the earth and the sun, right? The earth though, tries to keep everything from the moon. The earth succeeds, of course. Well, kind of. You see, the earth can't completely keep the water, because the water is constantly moving. So, when the moon gets very close to a part of the earth in it's orbit, the water rises up the beach toward the moon for high tide. Then, the moon orbits away again for low tide.

      When the sun and the moon are aligned, there is a very high tide called a spring tide. (Nothing to do with the seasons) When the moon and the sun are at quarter angles, their forces cancel out, resulting in a very low tide called a neap tide.
      At a solar eclipse, there is a very very high tide; a Proxigean high tide. It happens every 1.5 years.

      So now you get it, right? Me too! Oh, yeah. I have a new code for you:


      For a hint, highlight the following: It's a zigzag code.
Bye! -Poohret

Ultimate Story Part 1

           I'm making an "Ultimate Story"!

           I haven't decided a name yet, but this is a little piece:

          Agent 23 sat patiently at his desk. He typed something into his computer. A reply appeared. He stood up. Everything was going according to plan. So smoothly. Too smoothly.

Someone was going to have to check on the subjects. Maybe stir things up a bit. Someone would have to do some manipulation. And he knew just who the someone should be. 41 was going to like his choice.

But first things first. Agent 23 strode over to a box on the wall. He spoke something. The box beeped. A voice replied. The agent smiled. But wasn’t even a touch of warmth in it.

Here's another:

    Florence threaded through the crowded airport, keeping on her heels as her heart pounded against her rib cage. The Zenons were right on cue behind them, and as fast as they ran, they could not make a gap between predator and prey.
Florence felt......what was the word? Kind of nervous, scared, and hunted all put together. Nurscunted? Not like they hadn't been in situations like this before; her dad had taken them all over the world, learning as they went. But now there was an added sense of danger. These Zenons were like wolves, taking them down. Experience  wasn't the only advantage their enemies had, their surveillance, everything. And that was not counting Natalie. She was ruthless indeed, almost killing Florence and Dan in a zoo, in an underground cave......

With a jolt, Florence returned to the present. Beside her, Dan ran like his life depended on it. Hmmmm......maybe his life did depend on it. Who knew what the Zenons would do if they caught she and Dan. Question them, probably. And then what?

The Zenons were closing in. Through the crowd they raced. "We'll be fine with this crowd," Dan reminded her. But as they ran on, the mob of people faded away.

“In here!” Dan pulled Florence inside a room. The room was small, and the walls were lined with shelves. Florence pulled open an old cabinet. “Dude, is this a storage room or a trash place?” she asked. The tall rectangular cabinet was filled with old junk cans and washcloths. It was mainly full, except for a small space at the bottom. “It’s neither,” Dan told her. “It’s our hiding spot.” They squeezed into the old cabinet.

Florence felt nervous in the cabinet, squished against Dan. What if the Zenons find us? What if someone comes in? Amy had thousands of What ifs thundering in her brain. What if the cabinet falls down? What if....... Soon the sound of running feet came from outside the door.

“Florence,” Dan whispered. “Shhh!” Florence shushed. “No, really. Is the Zenons’ tracking device on?” “I don’t know!” Florence felt in her pocket for the coin. But it was too late. “Slam!” The door banged open. Florence could hear footsteps. They were trapped.

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